Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Little Explanation

Okay, so let's take this first blog post to explain everything.

I am a college student who is entering her senior year and I have a passion for writing. Ever since I could read and write (which has been as long as I can remember; thanks, Mom, for teaching me so early) I have been reading novels and writing silly short stories that actually make me die of embarrassment when I read them now. I love to write and I always have. In my free time in elementary school (and let's be honest, you have a lot of that in grade school) I was always writing either short stories, poetry, or very pathetically mediocre screenplays. I never considered it a serious career possibility, but as I get older, I feel more and more like it's something I should pursue more seriously, at least as a legitimate hobby.

Since about middle school, and maybe even earlier, I have had one book idea in my head that always stood out from the others, of which there are many. However, each time I sat down to write it, I felt like my writing wasn't good enough to actually put this story into words the way I wanted it. I can't tell you how many times I've given up on writing this same story in one form or another. The most recent attempt, at the end of my junior year of high school, proved to be different. I wrote maybe a chapter and put it away for a few days and when I came back to it, I didn't hate what I had written.

Hey, it's progress. Don't judge me.

So I've continued to write it since then. Throughout the end of high school, I wrote very casually, but since entering college, I feel like I should take it more seriously. I have since written 30,000+ words, which seems unnatural at this point and I really like the direction it's taking. As I write, I know how I want the book to end, and where I want the next two books to end.

So maybe I'm a little ambitious.

But that ambition is what is driving me to actually get this done. So as if I don't do enough writing, what with all the college papers I write (I'm a senior in college with a double major in the social sciences- essays are a way of life) and the novel writing, I have decided to further commit wrist suicide and write a blog to chronicle my journey as I pursue such a subjective hobby. 

And who knows? This may turn into my career someday. I would love nothing better than to just write young adult novels for the rest of my life. 

But until I can make that a real possibility (and I am determined to do so), I will content myself with just finishing a manuscript while I finish my bachelor's degrees. 

Maybe after I actually get this story onto paper, my brain will let me write a different story. The story I'm currently working on is a young adult fantasy novel. More details to come regarding plot. 

I hope you enjoy reading and maybe find this blog relatable in some way. I hope I can encourage others to pursue writing as a legitimate path, if that's what you want to do.

More to come,

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