Monday, November 24, 2014

Even When You're Done Writing, Keep Writing

So I'm still in the midst of editing... it's college finals time, y'all. But I'm sticking with the edits for several reasons:

1. I want to finish them with the goal of sending the manuscript to agents
2. I want to finish by January so that I can start the new year with an edited manuscript
3. I'm applying to graduate school for creative writing and the application is due by Jan. 1 and I'm hoping to use part of it as my writing sample

That last point is the topic of this blog post. Yes, I am tired of editing, but not really. That doesn't mean that I'm tired of writing, or that I'm tired of this manuscript, or that I'm tired of anything related to this. I have loved every step of this process and the editing phase is no exception. I'm just ready for the next phase of this. I want to edit it to the best of my abilities and continue on with this manuscript.

So I'm not really tired of editing, I'm just ready for the next thing. And I think that's a good thing.

However, my point here is that anything, even something you love, can become frustrating at times. I've heard some writers say that their favorite part of writing a book is the editing phase. They like polishing it and making it really good. Other writers will tell you their favorite part is the actual writing part. They like the creative word vomit phase, where it's just bursts of inspiration and chasing rabbit trails to see where they lead.

I can tell you that I'm in the second camp. I prefer the writing stage. So even though I have loved perfecting this manuscript and really making it more than just a stream of consciousness from my chaotic head, I kind of miss the writing phase.

So what's the solution? I just keep writing. 

I started writing the sequel to this manuscript as well as an entirely different manuscript. 

Now before you tell me I'm getting ahead of myself, let me tell you that even if that sequel never gets published, I'll still enjoy getting it written. I love writing. Of course the goal is to publish, but I write because I truly love it. There isn't much else I love more. 

But you see where I'm going here? Since writing is my favorite part of the process, I just keep writing. So when I get frustrated with my edits, I can remind myself why it will all be worth it. I like seeing the finished product that is edited and is much better than it was when I was typing anything and everything that came to my mind. Writing something different keeps me excited because I truly love writing, no matter what I say when I get frustrated. 

This works in reverse as well. If you like editing better and you are struggling to write something new, alternate it with editing something else. Mixing it up keeps it interesting and fun. You also get two projects done at once (Okay, not really at once, but you get my point). I love every phase of writing, but mixing them up keeps anything from getting the slightest bit stale.

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